I can imagine catching up will be tough so take a small breather today and complete the Jenkins CI/CD project from Day 24 and add documentation.
Did you Finish Day 24?
Day 24 will give you an End to End project and adding it to your resume will be a cherry on the top.
take more time, finish the project, add Documentation, add it to your Resume and post about it today.
Task 01
Document the process from cloning the repository to adding webhooks, and Deployment
Cloning the Repository
Open your terminal or command prompt.
Code the URL of the repository you want to clone.
use the command to clone the repository.
git clone <repository_URL>
Create or add your web application files to your repository
Use git commands to add and commit files.
#to add the files git add <file_name> #to commit the file git commit -m "commit_message"
Add webhook
Open GitHub and go to the repository.
Go to the settings of the repository.
Click on Add Webhook from the left sidebar.
Paste the URL of your Jenkins server and add a path at the end "github-webhook/"
Choose the webhook event you want to trigger, typically "push" events for code changes.
Click on "Add webhook"
Wait for your webhook to activate.
Set up your Jenkins server by installing Java and Jenkins in your system.
Also, install the docker and docker-compose before using it.
Configure your pipeline deployment and listen to the webhook events triggered by GitHub.
When the code changes are pushed to GitHub, the webhook will notify your deployment environment (Jenkins).
Your deployment process, which you've set up in your CI/CD pipeline, will then automatically build and deploy your web application.
Task 02
Also, it's important to keep smaller goals, as it's a small task, think of a small goal you can accomplish.
Make your daily TODO list or goal for every day.
Work on your daily tasks.
Practice daily with DevOps best practices.
Split it with daily tasks
Practice makes a person Perfect.
Kepp your work.
take a small break in your DevOps journey to freshen up your mind.
<That's all for today. Hope you like it. FOLLOW to join me in the journey of DevOps>