Finally ๐
We have completedโ the Docker hands-on and I hope you have learned something interesting from it.๐ It's time to take docker to the next level. This cheat sheet will help you to remember everything you learned. This cheat sheet includes commands for both Docker and Docker-Compose, as well as describes the usage of each command.
Here's the Cheat Sheet for docker and docker-compose:
Run a new Container
docker run IMAGE | run a container from the image |
docker run --name CONTAINER IMAGE | assign it a name |
docker run -p 80:80 | assign it a port |
docker run -p IMAGE | to map all ports |
docker run -d IMAGE | run a container in the background |
docker run --hostname | to assign hostname |
Manage Containers
docker ps | show a list of running containers |
docker ps -a | show a list of all containers |
docker rm | to delete a container |
docker rm -f | delete a running container |
docker container prune | delete the stopped containers |
docker stop | stop a running container |
docker start | start a stopped container |
docker cp CONTAINER:SOURCE TARGET | copy a file from the container to the host |
docker cp TARGET CONTAINER:SOURCE | copy a file from the host to a container |
docker exec -it | starts a shell inside a container |
docker rename | rename the container |
docker commit CONTAINER | create an image out of the container |
Manage Images
docker pull IMAGE:TAG | download an image |
docker push IMAGE | upload an image to the repository |
docker rmi | to delete an image |
docker images | show a list of images |
docker image prune | to delete dangling images |
docker image prune -a | delete all the unused images |
docker build | build an image from the Dockerfile |
docker tag IMAGE NEWIMAGE | tag an image |
docker build -t IMAGE DIR | build and tag an image from the docker file |
docker save IMAGE > FILE | save an image to a .tar file |
docker load -i TARFILE | to load the image from a .tar file |
Info & Stats
docker logs CONTAINER | show the logs of a container |
docker stats | show stats of running container |
docker top CONTAINER | show processes of a container |
docker --version | show the version of the docker |
docker inspect NAME | show the detailed info about an object |
docker diff CONTAINER | show all modified files in the container |
docker port CONTAINER | show the mapped port of a container |
Docker-Compose Commands
docker-compose build | to build a docker-compose file |
docker-compose up | to run a docker-compose file |
docker-compose up -d | run a docker-compose file in the background |
docker-compose ls | to list the images inside the docker-compose |
docker-compose start | start a docker-compose container |
docker-compose run | run application of docker-compose file |
docker-compose rm | remove the docker container from the docker-compose |
docker-compose ps | check container status from docker-compose |